Sausage and Beans Toasted Sandwich Breakfast

This recipe page comes into 2 parts. How to make the Toasted Sandwich and then to make the breakfast to go with it! 

To make the Toasted Sandwich you need to follow the recipe below:

Please be aware this should cook in about 3-4 Minutes so make sure you cook it as soon as the Main Breakfast is almost ready!


 To make the Breakfast you need to follow the recipe below on this page. 

Ingredients Per person, allow:

*2 sausages *2 rashers of bacon *150g mushrooms *1-2 tinned tomatoes *2 eggs

Method :

Heat the flat grill plate over a low heat, on top of 2 rings/flames if it fits, and brush sparingly with light olive oil. Cook the sausages first. Add the sausages to the hot grill plate/the coolest part if there is one and allow to cook slowly for about 15-20 minutes, turning occasionally, until golden.

After the first 10 minutes, increase the heat to medium before beginning to cook the other ingredients. If you are struggling for space, completely cook the sausages and keep hot on a plate in the oven. Snip a few small cuts into the fatty edge of the bacon. Place the bacon straight on to the grill plate and fry for 2-4 minutes each side or until your preferred crispiness is reached.

Like the sausages, the cooked bacon can be kept hot on a plate in the oven. For the mushrooms,cut up into slices and fry. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle over a little olive oil. Place stalk-side up on the grill plate and cook for 1-2 minutes before turning and cooking for a further 3-4 minutes. Avoid moving the mushrooms too much while cooking, as this releases the natural juices, making them soggy.

For the tomatoes, open the tin and serve 2 on a plate once ready. For the fried eggs, break the egg straight into the pan with the fried bread and leave for 30 seconds. Add a good knob of butter and lightly splash/baste the egg with the butter when melted.

Cook to your preferred stage, season and gently remove with a fish slice. Once all the ingredients are cooked, serve on warm plates and enjoy straight away with a good squeeze of tomato ketchup or brown sauce.