Andrews Pasta Bolognase


* Tomato Puree * 150g Per person serving of Dried Pasta * Lea and Perrins Worcester Sauce * 250g Mince * 1 Small Onion * Tin of Sweetcorn * Tin of Peas * 400g Tin of Baked Beans * Tin of Chopped Tomatoes * 2 Large Saucepans * Colander

Open the tins of vegetables along with peeling,slicing and dicing the onion. On a low heat Brown the mince then add the onion and all the tinned vegetables. Leave to Simmer for 20 Minutes. Boil a full Kettle of water and add the 2nd pan to the heat. Add the Pasta to a pan, making sure there is 150g - 200g Per person you are serving for and add the water when boiled. Keep stirring the pasta so it doesn't get stuck to the pan. After 12 Minutes the Pasta should be cooked. Drain through the colander a few times and leave to one side. Depending on how thick you want the sauce add the tomato puree at this point. I usually use half a tube but it works a treat. Add a few drops of Lea and Perrins, stir and serve the dish.